Name: Jolene Lim (23) Date: 08/02/2011 Class: 3B3
Topic: Cells
3 main concepts I have learnt. You may list more. You are encouraged to use mutlti-media to enhance the post. · How to differentiate the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and the rough endoplasmic reticulum. · Difference between the nucleus and nucleolus. | Identify 3 links this topic/concept has with something I have learnt before (can extend beyond Science)
2 things/(questions) I am unsure about/(have). You may list more. (a) Not that clear about what the secretion vesticles are for. (b) Unclear about the function of the lyosome. | Where is this topic/concept applied in daily living? (Give at least 2)
1 extended concept I am interested to research on /read more about: - How cells communicate. | Common misconceptions(mistakes) OR scientific phrases that are important (Give at least one)
What I am going to do to clarify my doubts? List the steps you are going to do and date you intend to complete them:
Concepts/Things I am still unsure about | What I am going to? | Date I intend to get it done | Completed (J when its done!) |
(a) Unclear about the function of the lyosome. | - Read through again the notes my teachers gave, research online and ask the teacher if I am still unsure. | 09/08/2011 | |
(b) Not that clear about what the secretion vesticles are for. | - Read through again the notes my teachers gave, research online and ask the teacher if I am still unsure or seek help from peers. | 09/08/2011 |
My feelings and thoughts about class today: interesting as everything we learn about is related to our body. And we get to see things we cannot see with the naked human eye.
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